Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday June 17th

Hello everyone,
So I had a blessed Sunday, I went to church and (Sunday school) the sermon was really amazing. I had nursery during morning service so I was able to spend time with the babies and toddlers playing games, singing songs and just having a really fun time! After church I went to Mrs. N house and had lunch there with Chas and KB, we had hamburgers and chips with dips. Then we all got ready to go to the nursing home to sing and preach the gospel to those that live there and work there. It was a great service by Mr. K and we all sung and it was fun and up lifting. I pray that someone got something out of it! I took some pictures with my Sister’s in Christ  KB from Raining Daises and Chas from A home beyond the river
Here are a few pictures we took together each taking the picture…
                                                                      Mrs. N took...
                                                                          I took...
                                                                 Chas took picture...
                                                                 KB or Chas took picture...
                                                                 KB took picture...
                                                                 KB took picture...
I took ....
I took...
And I edited all the Pictures!!!
 It was a great day, after that evening service was next at 6pm MT time... another great sermon convicting and well we learn some and we use it in life! I am so thankful for the people in my life! God has created this world and the things in this world... We all should give thanks to all we have because we could have been dealt an even worse hand then what we have now! Give thanks unto the Lord!!!


  1. What pretty girls and lovely pictures! Sounds like you had a very pleasant Sunday! :)

    -Sheila a.k.a The Unknown Blogger

    1. Thanks it was a great Sunday but hey Sundays pretty much are pleasant days!! :)

  2. Great pictures!

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! :)

    1. Thank you for your comments! And no problem I love to read others blogs and look at pictures they take!

  3. Ooooh! I like these edits1 They look really cool! ♥


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